R. Anguluri and V. Katewa and S. Roy and F. Pasqualetti, Network Theoretic Analysis of Maximum a Posteriori Detectors for Sensor Analysis and Design. Automatica, 141:110277, 2022. [PDF]
F. Celi and F. Pasqualetti, Data-driven Meets Geometric Control: Zero Dynamics, Subspace Stabilization, and Malicious Attacks. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 6:2569-2574, 2022.
V. Katewa and R. Anguluri and F. Pasqualetti, On a Security vs Privacy Trade-off in Interconnected Dynamical Systems. Automatica, 125:2021. [PDF]
R. Anguluri and V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti, Centralized versus Decentralized Detection of Attacks in Stochastic Interconnected Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 65(9):3903-3910, 2020. [PDF]
V. Krishnan and F. Pasqualetti, Data-Driven Attack Detection for Linear Systems. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 5(2):671-676, 2020. [PDF]
Y-C. Liu and G. Bianchin and F. Pasqualetti, Secure Trajectory Planning Against Undetectable Spoofing Attacks. Automatica, 112:108655, 2020. [PDF]
G. Bianchin and Y.-C. Liu and F. Pasqualetti, Secure Navigation of Robots in Adversarial Environments. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 4(1):1-6, 2019. [PDF]
A. A. {Al Makdah} and V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti, A Fundamental Performance Limitation for Adversarial Classification. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 4(1):169-174, 2019. [PDF]
S. Amini and F. Pasqualetti and M. Abbaszadeh and H. Mohsenian-Rad, Hierarchical Location Identification of Destabilizing Faults and Attacks in Power Systems: A Frequency-Domain Approach. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 10(2):2036 - 2045, 2017. [PDF]
V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti and V. Gupta, On Privacy vs Cooperation in Multi-agent Systems. International Journal of Control, 91(7):1-15, 2017. [PDF]
C.-Z. Bai and V. Gupta and F. Pasqualetti, On Kalman Filtering with Compromised Sensors: Attack Stealthiness and Performance Bounds. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62(12):6641-6648, 2017. [PDF]
C.-Z. Bai and F. Pasqualetti and V. Gupta, Data-injection attacks in stochastic control systems: Detectability and performance tradeoffs. Automatica, 82:251-260, 2017. [PDF]
B. Zheng and P. Deng and R. Anguluri and Q. Zhu and F. Pasqualetti, Cross-Layer Codesign for Secure Cyber-Physical Systems. IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 35(5):699-711, 2016. [PDF]
S. Amini and F. Pasqualetti and H. Mohsenian-Rad, Dynamic Load Altering Attacks Against Power System Stability: Attack Models and Protection Schemes. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 9(4):2862 - 2872, 2016. [PDF]
F. Pasqualetti and Q. Zhu, Design and Operation of Secure Cyber-Physical Systems. Embedded Systems Letters, 7(1):3-6, 2015. [PDF]
F. Pasqualetti and F. Dörfler and F. Bullo, Control-Theoretic Methods for Cyberphysical Security: Geometric Principles for Optimal Cross-Layer Resilient Control Systems. IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 35(1):110-127, 2015. [PDF]
F. Pasqualetti and F. Dörfler and F. Bullo, Attack Detection and Identification in Cyber-Physical Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 58(11):2715-2729, 2013. [PDF]
F. Dörfler and F. Pasqualetti and F. Bullo, Continuous-Time Distributed Observers with Discrete Communication. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 7(2):296-304, 2013. [PDF]
F. Pasqualetti and R. Carli and F. Bullo, Distributed Estimation via Iterative Projections with Application to Power Network Monitoring. Automatica, 48(5):747-758, 2012. [PDF]
F. Pasqualetti and A. Bicchi and F. Bullo, Consensus Computation in Unreliable Networks: A System Theoretic Approach. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 56(12):90-104, 2011. [PDF]
Conference Articles
D. Gadginmath and V. Krishnan and F. Pasqualetti, Direct vs Indirect Methods for Behavior-based Attack Detection. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Cancún, Mexico, December 2022.
V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti, Optimal Dynamic Load-Altering Attacks Against Power Systems. American Control Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2021.
R. Anguluri and F. Pasqualetti, Deflection-based Attack Detection for Network Systems. American Control Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2021.
A. A. {Al Makdah} and V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti, Robust Adversarial Classification via Abstaining. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Austin, TX, pages 763-768, December 2021.
V. Krishnan and F. Pasqualetti, On Direct vs Indirect Data-Driven Predictive Control. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Austin, TX, pages 736-741, December 2021.
A. A. {Al Makdah} and V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti, Accuracy Prevents Robustness in Perception-based Control. American Control Conference, Denver, CO, USA, July 2020. [PDF]
R. Anguluri and A. A. {Al Makdah} and V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti, On the Robustness of Data-Driven Controllers for Linear Systems. Learning for Dynamics & Control, San Francisco, CA, USA, pages 404-412, June 2020. [PDF]
R. Anguluri and V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti, A Probabilistic Approach to Design Switching Attacks against Interconnected Systems. American Control Conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July 2019.
A. Duz and S. Phillips and A. Fagiolini and R. G. Sanfelice and F. Pasqualetti, Stealthy Attacks in Cloud-Connected (Linear-Impulsive) Systems. American Control Conference, Milwaukee, WI, USA, pages 146-152, June 2018. [PDF]
R. Anguluri and V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti, Attack Detection in Stochastic Interconnected Systems: Centralized vs Decentralized Detectors. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Miami, FL, pages 4541-4546, December 2018.
R. Anguluri and V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti, On the Role of Information Sharing in the Security of Interconnected Systems. Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference, Honolulu, Hi, pages 1168-1173, November 2018. [PDF]
A. Ganlath and R. Anguluri and V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti, Secure Reference-Tracking with Resource-Constrained UAVs. Conference on Control Technology and Applications, Kohala Coast, Hawaii, USA, pages 1319 - 1325, August 2017. [PDF]
S. Phillips and A. Duz and F. Pasqualetti and R. G. Sanfelice, Hybrid Attack Monitor Design to Detect Recurrent Attacks in a Class of Cyber-Physical Systems. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Melbourne, Australia, pages 1368-1373, December 2017.
A. Gasparri and F. Pasqualetti and R. Santini and S. Panzieri, Network Composition for Optimal Disturbance Rejection. American Control Conference, Boston, MA, pages 3764-3769, July 2016. [PDF]
R. Anguluri and R. Dhal and S. Roy and F. Pasqualetti, Network Invariants for Optimal Input Detection. American Control Conference, Boston, MA, pages 3776-3781, July 2016. [PDF]
R. Anguluri and V. Gupta and F. Pasqualetti, Periodic Coordinated Attacks Against Cyber-Physical Systems: Detectability and Performance Bounds. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, NV, pages 5079-5084, December 2016. [PDF]
F. Pasqualetti and F. Dörfler and F. Bullo, A Divide-and-Conquer Approach to Distributed Attack Identification. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Osaka, Japan, pages 5801-5807, December 2015. [PDF]
C.-Z. Bai and F. Pasqualetti and V. Gupta, Security in stochastic control systems: Fundamental limitations and performance bounds. American Control Conference, Chicago, Il, pages 195-200, July 2015. [PDF]
S. Amini and H. Mohsenian-Rad and F. Pasqualetti, Dynamic Load Altering Attacks in Smart Grid. IEEE PES Conf. on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Washington, DC, February 2015. [PDF]
S. Amini and F. Pasqualetti and H. Mohsenian-Rad, Detecting dynamic load altering attacks: A data-driven time-frequency analysis. IEEE Int. Conf. on Smart Grid Communications, Miami, FL, pages 503-508, November 2015. [PDF]
F. Pasqualetti and F. Dörfler and F. Bullo, Cyber-physical security via geometric control: Distributed monitoring and malicious attacks. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Maui, HI, pages 3418-3425, December 2012. [PDF]
F. Pasqualetti and R. Carli and F. Bullo, A distributed method for state estimation and false data detection in power networks. IEEE Int. Conf. on Smart Grid Communications, Brussels, Belgium, October 2011. [PDF]
F. Pasqualetti and A. Bicchi and F. Bullo, A graph-theoretical characterization of power network vulnerabilities. American Control Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, pages 3918-3923, June 2011. [PDF]
F. Pasqualetti and F. Dörfler and F. Bullo, Cyber-physical attacks in power networks: Models, fundamental limitations and monitor design. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Orlando, FL, December 2011. [PDF]
F. Dörfler and F. Pasqualetti and F. Bullo, Distributed detection of cyber-physical attacks in power networks: A waveform relaxation approach. Allerton Conf. on Communications, Control and Computing, September 2011. [PDF]
F. Pasqualetti and R. Carli and A. Bicchi and F. Bullo, Distributed estimation and detection under local information. IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems, Annecy, France, pages 263-268, September 2010. [PDF]
F. Pasqualetti and R. Carli and A. Bicchi and F. Bullo, Identifying cyber attacks via local model information. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Atlanta, GA, pages 5961-5966, December 2010. [PDF]
F. Pasqualetti and A. Bicchi and F. Bullo, On the security of linear consensus networks. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Shanghai, China, pages 4894-4901, December 2009. [PDF]
F. Pasqualetti and A. Bicchi and F. Bullo, Distributed intrusion detection for secure consensus computations. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, New Orleans, LA, pages 5594-5599, December 2007. [PDF]
Book Chapters
V. Katewa and C.-Z. Bai and V. Gupta and F. Pasqualetti, Detection of Attacks in Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications. Safety, security, and privacy for cyber-physical systems. Ed. by A. Teixeira and R. Ferrari. Springer Nature, 2020.
V. Katewa and F. Pasqualetti and V. Gupta, On the Role of Cooperation in Private Multi-agent Systems. Privacy in Dynamical Systems. Ed. by F. Farokhi. Springer Nature, 2019.
G. Bianchin and F. Pasqualetti, Time-Delay Attacks in Network Systems. Cyber-Physical Systems Security. Ed. by Ç. K. Koç. Springer Nature, Chap. 8, pages 147 - 174, 2018.