PhD and Postdocs openings in the areas of
data-driven control, learning, and networks!
mathematical background needed. To apply, please send me your CV,
transcripts (for PhD), and a brief statement of purpose.
Contact Information
My main research interests are in the areas of security for cyber-physical systems, network analysis and control, and mobile robotics. Topics of interest include:
- Cyber-physical security and trust management: modeling and analysis of attacks and countermeasures in networked cyber-physical systems.
- Distributed control and estimation in networks: analysis and design of distributed control, estimation, and detection algorithms.
- Complex network analysis and control: characterization of fundamental limitations and tradeoffs for control and estimation in complex networks.
- Network neuroscience: design of network-theoretic theories and tools for the study of brain processes from imaging data.
- Cluster synchronization in oscillatory networks: analysis and design of structural controls for cluster synchronization in networks of oscillators.
- Robotic patrolling and persistent monitoring: design and analysis of distributed coordination algorithms for teams of autonomous robots.
For more details, see a description of some research projects, my publications list, and my curriculum vitae.
Selected Publications
See here for a complete list of my publications.
- O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award, "Accuracy Prevents Robustness in Perception-based Control", May 2021
- Control Systems Letters Outstanding Paper Award, "Data-driven Minimum-Energy Controls for Linear Systems", December 2020
- Roberto Tempo Best CDC Paper Award, "A Framework to Control Functional Connectivity in the Human Brain", December 2020
- ACC Best Student Paper Award Finalist, senior author, "Accuracy Prevents Robustness in Perception-based Control", July 2020
- AFOSR Young Investigator Research Award, "Data-Driven Control of Dynamical Networks", October 2019
- ACC Best Student Paper Award, senior author, "Exact and Approximate Stability Conditions for Cluster Synchronization of Kuramoto Oscillators", July 2019
- ARO Young Investigator Award, "Design and Operation of Secure Multi-Agent Networks", September 2017
- IEEE TCNS Outstanding Paper Award, "Controllability Metrics, Limitations and Algorithms for Complex Networks", December 2016
- ACC Best Student Paper Award Finalist, co-author, "Security in stochastic control systems: Fundamental limitations and performance bounds", July 2015
- Outstanding Research Award, from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, UC Riverside, May 2015
- Best PhD Thesis Award, from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, UC Santa Barbara, March 2013
- General Chairs' Recognition Award for Interactive Papers, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2009
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